Tips for New Parents

Having a new baby in the family is one of the most special times you will have. Many new parents are nervous when they bring their new born home from the hospital. Here are a few simple tips that will help make this a enjoyable experience for both you and the baby.

  1. Plan as much ahead as possible
  2. Sit with your partner and come up with a routine on who is in charge of what and when. Be sure to adjust this new routine as you get know your new one and his/her demands.
  3. Have the numbers of your pediatrician and lactation consultant ready in case you need them.
  4. Remember to get a baby monitor and turn it on when ever you are away from the baby. The ones with videos work even better.
  5. Get a blanket which is soothing for the baby and master wrapping techniques. It works wonders to calm down a cranky baby.
  6. Get as much help from family and friends as possible
  7. Know your limits and remember your world has changed and you might not be able to do all the same things as before.
  8. Be sure to eat healthy and drink lots of water as you go thorough a phase of extreme physical exertion and sleeplessness.
  9. Have plenty of healthy snacks and easy to make meal ideas and ingredients around the house.
  10. Take 5-10 minutes off to get a soothing shower everyday in spite of your hectic routine. It will works wonders for you. Use a stress relieving body wash like the ones with lavender or your favorite smell to help soothe you.
  11. Play some soothing music with the sounds of nature like rain or ocean or anything you like to calm down both your baby and you.
  12. Rest up when ever possible and be easy on yourself.
  13. Remember to enjoy ever moment with your baby.

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